Get the most from your Membership

Coverage for diving emergencies has no time limitations. Dive anywhere in the world, anytime and enjoy peace of mind with DAN.

PRO Members

Do you work or live abroad? Check your plan! As a DAN professional member, you are entitled to diving, as well as non-diving emergency covers and assistance abroad. What if you stay/work abroad for long periods or live abroad? Will this affect the non-diving emergency & travel coverage? Coverage for diving emergencies has no time limitations. Dive anywhere in the world, anytime and enjoy peace of mind with DAN. Just bear in mind, however, that for the non-diving cover there is a maximum number of insured travelling days, starting when you leave your home country:

 PRO Bronze: 60 days per journey / 120 days per year
 PRO Silver: 90 days per journey / 120 days per year

Hence, if you work abroad for long periods, we strongly recommend you that you upgrade to the PRO Gold membership and check the benefits of your primary non-diving and travel cover with your health insurance provider.

Take advantage of the DAN free diving accident covers for your students!

If one of your students causes harm to himself and you are not responsible, who pays the expenses? In addition to your liability policy, DAN covers injuries to your students attending first level courses. Learn more.

Come aboard: become a DAN Partner!
DAN Partners are individuals or organizations that cooperate with us to promote DAN’s image among divers. As a DAN Partner you can get points or commissions, with great benefits. Learn more.

Training courses

 DAN provides comprehensive training to the dive community by disseminating the latest information on topics related to diving safety.

Any other question? We will be happy to help!

Write to [email protected] or call us:

Continental Europe office: +39 085 8930333
National info-line: click here
Skype: DAN_Europe_Foundation


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