Barry Coleman

Barry Coleman, ex-Rhodesian, has been scuba diving since the 1980’s. In 1988 Barry became a Dive and Sailing Instructor then travelled world-wide, with his wife, doing Yacht Deliveries, Sailing Instruction, Yacht Brokering and built their own ocean going yacht. They dived the entire time, then 10 years later opened up Meridian Dive Centre in 1997 in Durban, South Africa. They also worked internationally on design teams developing new and specialised diving and rebreather equipment (Poseidon MkVI) which is out in the market place today. Barry & Celia are the Founding Members of the international training agency RAID. Today Barry is a RAID Examiner, training Instructor Trainers, but still gets pleasure out of introducing total beginners to the Ocean environment. When not teaching he loves dive photography and cave diving.

By the same author

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