The 10 Safety Rules

1. Attend diving courses, BLS, First Aid with Oxygen as well as upgrade courses with qualified instructors.

2. Undergo annual diving medical examinations (even after illness and injury or if you need to take medication).

3. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly. Avoid alcohol and heavy exercise, before and after the dive.

4. Always check the good and proper working condition of all the equipment, yours and your partner’s. Make sure it is adequate for the planned dive.

5. Wear a BC, double regulator, pressure gauge and knife; even if you use a computer, bring a depth gauge, watch and tables.

6. Always dive in favourable weather-sea conditions, with a buddy and always with adequate surface support. Use a surface marker buoy.

7. Dive within your certified training limits. Avoid "yo-yo" profiles and never hold your breath while ascending.

8. Ascend 9-10 meters per minute, using the most current decompression models and favour greater "conservative" levels.

9. In case of suspected DCI, immediately administer 100% oxygen with a suitable regulator, and for the necessary time. Do not attempt in-water recompression procedures. Call DAN!

10. Before flying, follow DAN recommendations: at least 12 hours after a single dive and at least 24 hours after repetitive dives and/or deco diving.


  • Ensure that first aid materials are readily available together with an adequate oxygen kit (such as the DAN Oxygen kit).
  • The onset of symptoms (even delayed) after a dive, requires immediate activation of specialized care. Call DAN!
  • In case of emergency, remember that only DAN members have access to the best worldwide care.


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