
How Does DAN Europe Deal With Diver Accidents?

If you are a member of DAN Europe, or perhaps you’re considering becoming one, you might have some questions about what you need to do...

17 June 2024

Fear and Loathing in Scuba Diving

Fear is a fundamental and useful emotion in humans and in our mammalian relatives. It signals the presence of a dangerous situation to the mind....

16 May 2024

Drink and dive? Just say nada!

After a day of diving, many divers like to unwind back on shore or on the liveaboard with a glass of wine or a cold beer, right? All fine and good. There are many ways to enjoy a trip, but diving while under the influence of alcohol is not one of them. If you plan to drink, it’s important to do it responsibly and in a way that won’t affect...

29 April 2024
Prepared diver

Carbon Dioxide – the Dreaded Enemy (part 2)

This is the second part of a three-part series on carbon dioxide, one of the most common contributors to diving emergencies. You can find part one...

26 March 2024

Dive Smarter: Know Your Rental Gear!

Imagine renting a car in an unfamiliar city, navigating traffic on unfamiliar roads, and then finding yourself in a heavy rainstorm — only to realize...

06 March 2024