Dive stories
We teamed up with Michael Menduno, the publisher of the now defunct aquaCORPS: The Journal for Technical Diving (1990-1996)—the themed-magazine that helped usher in tech diving—to bring you a free downloadable copy of aquaCORPS #5 BENT, published January, 1993.
The BENT issue presented the state of our scientific understanding, treatment protocols and the diving community’s attitudes surrounding decompression illness (DCI) in the early 1990s, when technical diving was just getting started.
What have we learned about DCI in the last thirty years? Menduno, now senior editor at DAN Europe’s Alert Diver, interviewed four of DAN’s leading hyperbaric physicians, including founder Dr. Marroni, to provide a perspective. We have inserted the interview inside the issue.
Feed your head and Get BENT! You’ll be better for the exposure.
Find it HERE!